Structure Drills 2

11.   like / liked + gerund

(a) A (in tones of sympathy): You have to make beds, I suppose.
 B (cheerfully): Yes, but I like making beds!
Twenty  years later, Susan's children have left home, her husband has retired and they can afford some help in house and garden. Her friend reminds her of her former busy life.

(b) A: You had to make beds, I suppose.
      B: Yes, but I liked making beds!
This exercise could also be done with (c) don't/didn't mind or (d) enjoy/enjoyed.

(a) You have to ... I suppose.

1.    do housework,
2.    live economically,
3.    shop around,
4.    look after the children,
5.    mend their clothes,
6.    take them to school,
7.    help them with their homework,
8.    read to them,
9.    answer their questions,
10.attend their school concerts, them play football,
12.go swimming with them,
13.give children's parties, your husband at the station, (Use my.)
15.listen to your husband's office stories,  (Use my.)
16.entertain your husband's colleagues,  (Use my.)
17.iron shirts,
18.knit pullovers,
19.weed the garden,
20.cut the grass,

(b) You had to ... I suppose.

1.    do housework,
2.    live economically,

12.  like / liked + gerund
        wouldn't like / wouldn't care / would hate + infinitive
PEG 295

Students' summer jobs.

This exercise should be done by students working in pairs. The prompt only is given and students must form both the question (A) and the answer (B). If it is not convenient to work in pairs, the teacher should take the part of the first student (A).

Prompt: drive lorries

(a) A: You like driving lorries, don't you?
 B: Yes, but I wouldn't like/wouldn't care/would hate to drive lorries for a living.

(b) A: You liked driving lorries, didn't you?
      B: Yes, but I wouldn't like/wouldn't care/would hate to drive lorries for a living.

enjoy/enjoyed could be used as well as like/liked.


1.    sweep streets
2.    mend roads
3.    teach swimming
4.    conduct tours
5.    act as a guide
6.    guard factories
7.    sell ice cream
8.    serve in a shop
9.    dig drains
10.wash windows

11.pick fruit houses
13.put up tents
14.paint railings
15.collect rubbish in a factory
17.deliver mail radios
19.make cakes
20.polish cars

13.  like/dislike/hate/don't mind/don't care for/enjoy + gerund
PEG 295

The life of au pair.

     A: I have to cook and wash up.
(a) B: So have I. I like cooking but (I) hate washing up.
(b) B: So have I. I enjoy cooking but (I) don't care for washing up.
(a) B: So have I. I don't mind cooking but (I) dislike washing up.

This drill can also be done in the past tense:

A: I had to cook and wash up.
B: So had I. I liked cooking but (I) hated washing up.

I have to ...

1.    hoover carpets and dust furniture.
2.    make beds and clean rooms.
3.    answer the door and answer the phone.
4.    do the flowers and polish the silver.
5.    buy fruit at the market and carry it home.
6.    take the children to school and hurry home afterwards.
7.    collect the children from school and supervise their homework.
8.    talk to the children and teach them French.
9.    go to the beach with the children and play in the sand.
10.put the children to bed and tidy up after them.
11.look after the baby and share a room with him.
12.give the baby his bath and wash his clothes. the car and exercise the pony.
14.walk the dogs and brush them.
15.attend classes and do homework.

14.  prefer ... to/like ... better than + gerund
PEG 297

     A: My brother plays tennis but hardly ever watches it.
(a) B: My brother prefers playing (tennis) to watching (it) too. (slight stress on my)
(b) B: My brother likes playing (tennis) better than watching (it) too. (slight stress on my)

My brother ...

1.    sings in a choir but hardly ever sings solo.
2.    talks; he hardly ever listens.
3.    drinks (at parties) but hardly ever dances.
4.    spends money but hardly ever saves it.
5.    phones; he hardly ever writes.
6.    listens to the radio; he hardly ever watches TV.
7.    mows the lawn but hardly ever weeds the garden.
8.    paint pictures; he hardly ever takes photographs.
9.    takes taxis; he hardly ever waits for a bus. (Use buses.)
10.drives; he hardly ever lets me drive.
11.cycles; he hardly ever walks.
12.eats out; he hardly ever cooks for himself.
13.stays at home (for his holidays); he hardly ever goes abroad.
14.rushes about (during his holidays); h hardly ever relaxes.
15.takes people to restaurants; he hardly ever invites them to his house.

15.  what about? + gerund, would rather + infinitive without to
        would prefer + infinitive
PEG 289B, 297

In this drill the prompt only is given and students must form both the question (A) and the answer (B). Students could work in pairs, one being A the other B.

Prompt: walk on ... wait for a bus

     A: What about walking on? Or would you rather wait for a bus?
(a) B: I'd rather walk on (than wait for a bus). (Words in brackets may be omitted.)
(b) B: I'd prefer to walk on.

This drill could also be done with I'm against/for or I'm in favour of + gerunds:

(c) B: I'm against waiting for a bus.
(d) B: I'm for waiting for a bus.
(e) B: I'm in favour of waiting for a bus.

(The speaker in (d) and (e) does not agree with the speaker in (a), (b) and (c).)


1.    write ... phone
2.    cook it ... eat it raw
3.    camp ... stay in a hotel
4.    deliver it by hand ... post it
5.    drive ... fly
6.    mend the old one ... buy a new one
7.    go as we are ... change into evening dress
8.    get a job ... ask our parents to send us money
9.    finish it tonight ... leave it till tomorrow
10.try to fix it ourselves ... send for an electrician
11.wash the sheets at home ... take them to the launderette our own typing ... employ a secretary
13.tune the piano ourselves ... get a piano tuner
14.borrow a TV set ... hire one a cat ... put down rat poison
16.ring the dentist today ... put it off till tomorrow
17.start now ... wait for Bill
18.hitch-hike ... cycle
19.stay at home next weekend ... go away
20.keep some ... eat all now

16.  would prefer + object + infinitive
        would rather + subject + past tense
PEG  297

     A: Shall I phone Tom tomorrow?
(a) B: I'd prefer you to phone him today.
(b) B: I'd rather you phoned him today.

     A: Shall I show Tom the photographs tomorrow?
(a) B: I'd prefer you to show them to him today. (Note word order.)
(a) B: I'd rather you showed them to him today. (Note word order.)

Shall I ... tomorrow?

1.    phone Bill
2.    bring my friends
3.    speak to James
4.    sweep the stairs
5.    begin
6.    pay the milk bill
7.    come
8.    leave
9.    go to the library (Omit to the library.) the instructions
11.lend Peter the map (See (ii) above.)
12.take the books back
13.give Ann your message  (See (ii) above.)
14.burn the rubbish
15.send Peter the cheque  (See (ii) above.)
16.get the new programme
17.write to the Smiths
18.see to the electric iron your season ticket
20.make the arrangements

17.  would like/want + object + infinitive
PEG  296

(a) A: Would you like to make a speech?
     B:  No, I'd like you to make a speech. (stress on you)

(b) A: Do you want to make a speech?
      B: No, I want you to make a speech. (stress on you)

(a) Would you like to ...
(b) Do you want to ...

1.    lead the deputation?
2.    pick the team?
3.    receive the mayor?
4.    speak first?
5.    introduce the speakers?
6.    sign the cheque?
7.    witness Tom's signature?
8.    engage the extra staff?
9.    appoint a press officer?
10.attend the conference?
11.give a talk? the president?
13.make the arrangements?
14.answer any queries?
15.choose the colours?
16.supervise the painters?
17.make the arrangements?
18.fix a date?
19.organize the reception? the champagne?

18.  would like + perfect infinitive, wanted + present infinitive
PEG  296

     A: Did you see the castle?
(a) B: No, I would like to have seen it but there wasn't time.
(b) B: No, I wanted to see it but there wasn't time.

*Note: would have liked to see it and would have liked to have seen it
are also possible forms.

Did you ...

1.    ring Peter?
2.    talk to the students?
3.    attend the conference?
4.    try the beer?
5.    watch the match?
6.    visit the museum?
7.    see the zoo?
8.    walk round the town?
9.    meet your friends?
10.look at the old bridge?
11.climb to the top of the monument?
12.have coffee? (Answer with some.)
13.paint any  pictures? (some)
14.make a sketch? (Answer with one.)
15.take any photographs? (some)
16.hire a boat? (one)
17.stroll round the market?
18.send any postcards? (some) any souvenirs? (some)
20.listen to the town band?

19.  doesn't/didn't want + object + infinitive
PEG  296C

Ann is a young married woman with a lot of time on her hands. Two of her friends think that she would be happier if she had an occupation or hobby. Unfortunately her husband doesn't seem to share their views.

(a) A: Have you suggested going to evening classes?
      B: Yes, but apparently her husband doesn't want her to go to evening
           classes. (stress on want)
      A: Did you suggest going to evening classes?
      B: Yes, but apparently her husband doesn't want her to go to evening
            classes. (It is still a present problem.)

(b) A: Did you suggest going to evening classes?
      B: Yes, but apparently her husband didn't want her to go to evening
           classes. (It is now a past problem.)

Have you suggested ...

1.    painting?
2.    riding?
3.    working in the garden?
4.    taking a driving test?
5.    making friends with her neighbours?
6.    inviting her mother to stay?
7.    getting a part-time job?
8.    hiring a typewriter?
9.    joining a drama club?
10.acting in a play?
11.singing in the choir?
12.buying a dog?
13.helping at the old people's club?
14.studying Russian?
15.learning judo?
16.attending keep-fit classes?
17.going to art lectures?
18.taking a course in vegetarian cooking?
19.redecorating the house? as a tourist guide?

20. wish + infinitive
PEG  299

Ann is a newcomer; Bill is an old hand.

A: How does one set about complaining about something?
B: Oh, just go to the office and say you wish to complain about something.

(want or would like could also be used, of course, wish is the most formal of the three.)

How does one set about ...

1.    enrolling for a course?
2.    making a complaint?
3.    reporting an accident?
4.    seeing the welfare officer?
5.    taking a test?
6.    applying for study leave?
7.    entering for an exam?
8.    joining the union?
9.    starting a club?
10.arranging a football match?
11.organizing a trip?
12.hiring a coach?
13.having a poster printed?
14.insuring one's life? (Use your.)
15.paying one's fees? (Use your.)
16.moving to another branch? in the election?
18.claiming compensation?
19.changing one's department? (Use your.)